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How To Gain The Most Out Of Therapy
Latoya Toller, MA, LCMHC, NCC, CAGCS

Yoga at Home

Gain the most out of your therapy experience by being mindful of these tips before you begin services. Read why they're SO important in setting you up for success and a growth experience that will transform your life! 


Identify the problem you’re seeking to solve.

What is the issue you’re seeking support to resolve? How is it impacting your life, and for how long has this been the case? What is happening in your life now that helps you to view therapy as a benefit? It’s important that you voice this for yourself, as no one else will have better knowledge about your experiences than you do. Your observation of the problem will help you to build awareness of making progress once this starts to occur. Also consider what you want to gain from the process of therapy. How do you imagine your life being different once you utilize the tools and skills that will be presented? Consider these questions; your answers will make all the difference.


Be clear about your motivation to participate in treatment.

Are you honestly entering services because you desire to make a change for yourself? Participating in treatment at the request of, or for the sake of others doesn’t typically produce the best results. As people, we tend to do our best and accomplish the most significant results when we believe in the value of what we’re doing. Your willingness to invest in yourself is most important to realizing change.


Participate in a consultation call to determine the right fit and connection.

Consult with a therapist who has the appropriate experience to work with the issues you are seeking to resolve. Having an initial conversation can be very helpful to gaining more feedback about what to expect during the counseling process. It is also helpful for determining if the professional is someone who matches your learning style and personality, and who you feel comfortable with.


Be willing to work through challenges.

Therapy is not an easy process. While it utilizes the safety of the therapeutic relationship to uncover and explore your various thoughts, emotions, and experiences, this can feel uncomfortable. A range of feelings can be expected. Therapy can be very revealing, rewarding, and cathartic (but also at times painful and difficult) in the progression towards wellness.


Do your homework.

This applies to finding the most appropriate provider to address your needs, but also to your level of engagement once services begin. Your therapist may provide exercises or activities for you to complete outside of session. This is to encourage the practice of tools discussed and the development of skills that will support your functioning and personal growth outside of session where most of your work will be done.


Ask questions.

Throughout the process of treatment, allow yourself to clarify information as needed. Increased awareness and understanding will improve your outcomes in counseling. Also, have an open mind to the answers and feedback you receive and be willing to learn more about yourself.


Be willing to be vulnerable and transparent.

Keep the lines of communication open with your therapist, even if it feels easier to keep things to yourself. This is key to strengthening your communication skills, which will benefit your self-care and subsequent relationships. It is likely that your therapist has encountered various circumstances similar to your own and has been able to support clients towards improved personal growth and interactions. Also, except in the case of concerns about your safety or that of others, or where there is a signed release to share information with specific others (such as your primary doctor), all communication with your therapist is confidential.


Be consistent with your attendance.

Your presence at each scheduled session communicates your level of investment in positive outcomes for your life, and also largely predicts your success in services. Timely and focused attendance is needed to receive the greatest benefit from services, in an environment that is dedicated to your care. Allow yourself time to prepare in advance for each session, such as creating space for the privacy you need, away from others, especially in the case of telehealth or virtual appointments.


We're happy to help further. Schedule here for a free 20 minute initial phone consultation to ask questions and gain more clarity on the next steps that strengthen your wellness.



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